Shameless Self-Promotion

Check Out My Currently Available E-Books, and Paperbacks!

For those of you who haven’t heard of me, or my work, here is a link to a list of my available work.

Jason’s Available Books


Writing is not an easy craft, and writing for an audience is much more difficult. I do it because I love it, and with every review, critique, and ‘thumbs down’, I grow as a writer.

If you decide to snatch up one of my works, please review it, so that I may learn from your input.

Like My Work? Like My Page.

Come on, people. Join the veritable tsunami of fans that have liked my Facebook page.

Yes, that first sentence was dripping sarcasm. In all seriousness, please help a starving (not really, I eat well enough) author out by liking his Facebook page.

Print-To-Order Copies of Dark Musings, Special Edition are Now Available!

The first print-to-order edition of Dark Musings, Special Edition is set to hit store shelves! Links will be provided once the book is live on other sites (Amazon, Google, Apple, Etc.)!



Links to my currently released e-books, and paperbacks


Dark Musings, Volume 1

The human mind is a mysterious place; capable of concocting strange tales of the world we live in crossing paths with the world beyond the veil.

This volume contains such tales.

Whether a person fears the paranormal, the strange and unusual, or childhood memories that raise the hair on your neck, You the reader must always remember:


 AmazonGoogleNookKobo – SmashwordsApple


Dark Musings, Volume 2

In the spirit of its predecessor, Dark Musings, Volume 2 contains tales of the paranormal that will touch home with many readers, whether they are infatuated with the macabre, enjoy a good western showdown, question reality, or have fears of the paranormal.
Tear into this volume and satiate your tastes, whatever they may be.



Dark Musings, Special Edition

Dark Musings, Special Edition is the combination of Dark Musings, Volumes 1 and 2 with additional editing.

If the reader is new to the Dark Musings series, they would be well-served to read this edited and somewhat improved edition.

Dark Musings, Special Edition manages to provide the same overall experience as each of its predecessors, while doing so in a more polished manner.

Haunted dolls, things that go bump in the night, twists of fate, and even an old west showdown, come together in Dark Musings, Special Edition to bring the world of the author into that of you, the reader.


Print Edition: CreatespaceAmazon


The Random Drabblings of a Madman

The stories contained in this volume are a collection of 100 word shorts known as drabbles.
What exactly is a drabble?

drabble (plural drabbles)

A fictional story that is exactly 100 words long.

The purpose of a drabble is brevity, testing the author’s ability to express interesting and meaningful ideas in an extremely confined space.

I hope you (the reader) enjoy this collection of drabbles, and that it inspires those of you that are interested in writing, to sit down and really test your skills.
Drabbling is not easy, but when you read the results, it is worth it.
Thank you for picking up this book, and giving it an honest read; you may discover something about yourself within these pages.



Here A Drabble, There A Drabble

Contained within this book is a collection of 40 flash fiction stories know as ‘drabbles’.
A drabble is a short 100 word story that is designed to tell a story as briefly as possible. They’re great for when you want a quick tale to satiate your literary appetite.
The subject matter of the included drabbles varies from the humorous, to the macabre, and strange. There’s sure to be something for everyone!
Go ahead and dive into the world of drabbling; you won’t regret it!

AmazonGoogleNook – KoboSmashwordsApple


*Smashwords also distributes the book(s) to several other retailers (Sony, Diesel, Page Foundry, Scribd, Baker & Taylor Blio, Flipkart, and Oyster)